Leveraging our years of experience in the employment law field, we provide advice and support to local & international companies and individuals in relation to all types of labor related issues. Our services include:
- performing due-diligence reports on employment law matters in mergers and acquisition projects;
- drafting individual and collective employment agreements, internal rules of the company and particular agreements (non-compete agreements, NDA etc.);
- preparing legal opinions, drafting documents and performing legal stages for corporate restructuring and lay-off procedures;
- assisting companiesin negotiating collective employment agreements;
- representing companies in conflicts regarding discrimination and harassment, before the competent courts of law and administrative-jurisdictional authorities;
- representing companies in discrimination disputes in front of the National Council for Fighting against Discrimination;
- legal assistance in labor law disputes on the implementation, amendment and termination of employment agreements.
Representative projects:
- Top tourism companies in Romania – provided ongoing labor consultancy;
- Leading wellness club – provided ongoing consultancy on labor matters;
- A leading player for industrial equipment – assisted with the preparation of all types of contracts and documents related to employment matters;
- Leading meat fabric in Romania – assisted with all types of labor matters;
- Most well-known coffee shops and restaurant groups in Bucharest – assisted with all types of employments matters;
- Leading hospitality group in Romania – assisted in negotiations with employees, as well as preparing all types of contracts/documents with regard to employment;
- Top tourism groups – assisting its Romanian branch in negotiations with its employees, as well as in all types of labor agreement termination.